Maw taw carana supaya selebriti setenar Paris Hilton bisa ngefans ma kamu.. Kunjungi deh Situs Phootofunia. Disitu kamu bisa mendapatkan berbagai macam tampilan dan efek yg disediakan oleh Photofunia. selain Photofunia juga telah dilengkapi teknologi face detection.. Lumayan lah buat ditampilin di Friendster ato Blog kamu.. hihihi.. Ayo cepat buruan sebelum kehabisan (kek pasar aja).
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3 komentar:
hehehe.. thanx brow
She is annoying. Instead of being in the press for all the wrong reasons she could find a good use for her money like spending it on children in need or any other useful causes.
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